30 Apr, 2024 | 05:23 AM IST
Construction of DGP camp office & DG staff office building including all Infrastructural Amenities at Kh. No. 89, Jaripatka Nagpur.
Status District Name Location
Unit Commander Address
CP Nagpur Kh. No. 89, Jaripatka Nagpur.
Architect Renaissance, Nagpur
Project Management Consultant Renaissance, Nagpur
Contractor Sankalp Construction
Scope of work 1) DGP Camp Office (Ground) 2) DGP Office Building (Ground + 2)
Built up Area ( in sqm) 780.208
Work Order Date 10/07/2017
Project Exp.Cost (Rs in lakh) 377.41
Tendered Cost (Rs in lakh) 344
Date of Completion of Project 20/12/2020
Status Remarks Work is completed
Present Status Work is completed
Period of completion (in month) 12