28 Apr, 2024 | 10:50 PM IST
Construction of Administrative Building for S.R.P.F. Training Centre and Construction of 200 capacity Hostel Building and 10 Classroom for PTS at Nanveej, Tal Daund, Dist Pune.
Status District Name Location
Completed PUNE PUNE
Unit Commander Address
SRPF Training Centre & PTS Nanveej. Nanveej, Tal Daund, Dist Pune
Architect Samyak C2 infra Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Project Management Consultant Samyak C2 infra Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Contractor Balasaheb R Bhadane
Scope of work 1) Administrative Building (G+1) - 1795.03 Sq. Mt. 2) Hostel Building (Ground) - 3333.07 Sq. Mt. 3) 10 Classroom (G+1) - 2405.07 Sq. Mt.
Built up Area ( in sqm) 7533.17
Work Order Date 16/03/2016
Project Exp.Cost (Rs in lakh) 1986.91
Tendered Cost (Rs in lakh) 1607
Date of Completion of Project 30/09/2018
Status Remarks Work Completed & Handed over
Present Status Work Completed & Handed over
Period of completion (in month) 12