28 Apr, 2024 | 01:36 PM IST
Construction of Administrative Buildings and 120 Quarters for Indian Reserve Battalion II, (S.R.P.F. Group XV) at Gondia including all Infrastructural amenities
Status District Name Location
Unit Commander Address
Commandant, IRB-II, Gondia. IRB II (SRPF XV), Gondia.
Architect Parag Date, Nagpur
Project Management Consultant Parag Date, Nagpur
Contractor Sri Kubera Construction
Scope of work 1) Administrative Bldg - 6 Nos. 2) Residential Qtrs bldgs - 10 nos. (Total 120 qtrs) Total BUI: 17440.49 sqm
Built up Area ( in sqm) 17440
Work Order Date 14/07/2017
Project Exp.Cost (Rs in lakh) 5733.28
Tendered Cost (Rs in lakh) 5128
Date of Completion of Project 31/05/2020
Status Remarks Work is completed
Present Status Work is completed
Period of completion (in month) 24 months