30 Apr, 2024 | 08:34 PM IST
64 Residential quarters (Phase II) for policemen for C.P. Mumbai at Gulistan Compound, Ghatkopar, Mumbai.
Status District Name Location
Unit Commander Address
C.P. Mumbai At Gulistan Compound, Ghatkopar (E)
Architect B.G.Shirke Const. Tech.Pvt.Ltd.
Project Management Consultant PHC Engineer
Contractor B.G.Shirke Const. Tech.Pvt.Ltd.
Scope of work Type II - 350 qtrs. Type III - 150 qtrs Total - 500 qtrs Type II Bldg.A - G + 7 = 32 qtrs. Bldg.B - G + 7 = 32 qtrs. Total 64 qtrs.
Built up Area ( in sqm) 5179.84
Work Order Date 02/02/2012
Project Exp.Cost (Rs in lakh) 1166
Tendered Cost (Rs in lakh) 715.63
Date of Completion of Project 01/08/2013
Status Remarks 100% work is completed and Handed Over
Present Status 100% work is completed and Handed Over
Period of completion (in month) 18